Congratulation to the newly confirmed board members of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach. After the sad passing of Rtn Gary Eidsvik-Moody the remaining board members had to fill-in the vacant positions held by Rtn Gary and at the Club Assembly of February 15th the appointed members were confirmed by the membership.


PP Arnaud CMC Verstraete, a charter member of the club and served as president already in 2005/06 was confirmed of President Elect and serving as President next year, 2019/20.

PP Arnaud is a big supporter of the Rotary idea and for many years an Arch Klumph Society Member. PP Arnaud served in several board positions during his membership of the Rotary Club of Patong Beach.




Rtn Roy Devlin was confirmed as Vice-President for the remaining year until end of June 2019







IPP Andy Becker was confirmed as Vice-President for the next Rotary Year 2019/20. 








We congratulate these three Rotarians for making themselves available to step in and taking over these positions and we wish them all a successful tenure.